It’s that time of year again! Black Friday is right around the corner. If you’re not sure how to make this event successful on social media, here are some tips for you. Increase your brand awareness by posting about it on your page and interacting with other brands who are doing the same thing. Make sure that when people visit your site they see a button that says “Black Friday Sale” or something similar in their newsfeeds so they can easily find out what all the hype is about without leaving Facebook. And lastly, don’t forget about your other social media platforms as well!
We have added five tips below that you can include:
1. Tailor your offers to your target audience
This may sound obvious, but it’s crucial you understand what motivates your target demographic if you want to get the most out of Black Friday Weekend. Many businesses make the mistake of just putting up a sale and assuming their consumers will take advantage of it, this is not a build they will come reality. Whatever you sell whether it be a product or a service be sure to communicate how you benefit your customer’s life and make it an irresistible offer. FOMO is a huge motivator and if you can tie that FOMO to their specific pain points you’re going to get them to bite!

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2. Build anticipation
Your social media sites are the perfect location to generate buzz for an upcoming offer. In the month leading up to Black Friday, publish a few hints or teasers about the deals they’ll be able to get. Then as the time approaches more and more release the full offer and let them go crazy for your deals. (tip: be sure to make these deals worthy of their attention, there are going to be tons of ads and promos going on during this time, make sure your deal is sweet enough to stand out in their minds)

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3. Use compelling images
Using appealing photos of popular items or your service that your readers are interested in will help to build enthusiasm. Each post is essentially a mini commercial for your service, so use dramatic eye-catching, image-based advertising when you advertise your Black Friday offer. You can build some nice-looking promo images on Canva even if you have no clue what you’re doing just utilize one of their free templates. Alternatively, you could hire a graphic designer to nail the exact look that you are going for.

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4. Post sparingly
Many businesses (even the big ones) make the mistake of over-posting about all of the deals and specials that are available. It’s easy to get caught up in telling your followers about every deal they can buy, but you may wind up overdoing it. get your best couple of offers ready and give a gap between postings to avoid being overbearing.

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5. Be ready to communicate
Last but not least, be prepared to answer any questions that may arise. There will undoubtedly be a lot of them! People will pay attention to your social media postings in order to learn more, therefore set aside some time to monitor this and provide great customer support and close as many sales as possible.
Now that you have a few good ideas of what your Back Friday deal should contain and how to go about promoting it, start getting to work right away and get the word about your products or services this holiday season.
Speaking of Black Friday Deals
Be sure to check out our Black Friday deal while it still lasts!